Acupuncture • Herbal Medicine • Nutrition • Physical Therapy
Acupuncture • Herbal Medicine • Nutrition • Physical Therapy
Comprehensive Natural Healthcare

I came to Dr. Lund because I was having trouble getting pregnant. After just a few visits, I started to feel more balanced in every way, not just with my hormones. I sleep better than I ever have my entire life, my digestive system is regular, and YES I got pregnant in just a few months of seeing her. She is amazing!
-Jill, age 35, Sherman Oaks
My 11-year old daughter has suffered from migraine headaches since she was 4 years old. Dr. Lund's professional assessment & treatment has healed my daughter & she no longer suffers from the severe migraine pain. Thank you Dr. Lund!
-Sherri Reese, mother of 11-year old, Los Angeles
Dr. Lund diagnosed my 4-year-old son with food allergies that were causing his eczema. Western medicine doctors were unable for two years to eliminate this problem. Dr. Lund was able to treat this for us in a matter of weeks. Our son is so much happier and healthier due to Dr. Lund.
-Mona, mother of 4-year old, Woodland Hills
Dr. Lund practices selfless care with maximum results. My
Hemoglobin A1C is reduced from 6.5 to 5.9 & my M.D. has reduced my diabetes medications by 50%.
-Fred Fiazi, age 70, Woodland Hills
I highly recommend Dr. Lund. She is a dedicated healer. She never rushes her treatment & is extremely thorough. I no longer have low back pain. She has treated an injured knee & I am pain-free. She has been guiding me with nutrition information & I am successfully losing weight. Dr. Lund has taught me stretching exercises & has encouraged me to walk more. I am 80 years old and in excellent health due to her competent treatment. I believe her choice of supplements are thoroughly thought through for my individual case.
-Bernice, age 80, Canoga Park
Dr. Lund has helped me lose weight and control my diabetes. She has also helped me prepare for and recover from hip replacement. Dr. Lund is kind and compassionate and has helped me live a better life after 64!
-William, age 65
I began seeing Dr. Lund for a toe fracture that was very slow to heal (over a year). I tried for over a year to get answers from my podiatrist and internal medicine doctor to no avail. Dr. Lund recommended physical therapy and acupuncture and she also did a hair analysis test to identify the root cause of my slow bone healing, and effectively treated my condition. It has been a little over two months and I am able to perform many of the daily activities that I could not perform for over a year: walking, jogging, & jumping on my rebounder! I have shared my success story with my friends and would recommend Dr. Lund to anyone who has seen a medical doctor but has had no answers for their problem. Dr. Lund is an excellent professional who can help you get back on track!
-Candia Perkins, age 47, Northridge
I have known Dr. Lund for more than 5 years. Recently, I hurt my shoulder and she did a fantastic job with my arm. It hardly bothers me now and I go to Zumba classes now and can follow all difficult activities with my arm. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Dr. Lund. She is a great pleasure to know and be a patron of. She is very knowledgeable, attentive, detail-oriented, goal-oriented, & highly professional. Her communication and people skills are excellent. I strongly recommend Dr. Lund.
-Inga, Woodland Hills
I came to see Dr. Lund because I was having severe wrist pain. I was not able to lift anything with my hand. Now I have no pain & can do everything I want to again. Thank you Dr. Lund!
-Sanata, age 48, Tarzana
After experiencing acid reflux/GERD for more than a year and not being able to eat certain foods, I am now able to eat foods that I was not able to before. With the help of Dr. Lund, I now feel less symptoms. Her techniques have helped me not only control my GERD but also helped reduce my stress and anxiety. She has been of great help all along this recovery process.
-Guadalupe, age 28, Canoga Park
Dr. Lund is a great doctor. She is understanding and takes time to really listen-that is really important because most doctors don't really take the time to listen to their patients. Since I started treatment with Dr. Lund, my lifestyle has changed. She motivated me to eat healthier, exercise more and have a more healthy lifestyle. I strongly recommend Dr. Lund. I am very happy with my health results.
-Anahi, age 32, North Hollywood
Words cannot describe Dr. Lund. She has helped me understand my body and emotions. I no longer have fatigue or discomfort in my joints and I feel fabulous. She is an excellent doctor and I have referred her to many of my friends. I am so happy to have her in my life.
-Jenny Kahen, age 44, Tarzana
When I came to see Dr. Lund I had fallen & broken my wrist. My balance was terrible & I had to use a walker. Dr. Lund gave me exercises to gain strength, stability & endurance. I am much better now.
-Marilyn, age 80
I presented with a patella and meniscus injury. Dr. Lund has helped me regain flexibility and reduction of pain through electroacupuncture & physical therapy. She is an excellent doctor with an abundance of knowledge of nutrition and the physical body. Her patience and understanding, explaining what she was doing, enhanced the treatment. I have recommended her to ALL of my friends and will continue to do so in the future. I highly recommend Dr. Lund to anyone with physical problems in search of resolving their physical issues.
-Dr. Glorya Dixon, PhD, age 80, Encino
When I first came to see Dr. Lund, my lower back was so tight, I couldn't even bend over. After the acupuncture treatments and instructions in stretching, my mobility and flexibility have increased and all the pain is gone.
-Barry, age 38, West LA
After years of not feeling well and spending tons of money on countless doctors that had no explanation for my symptoms, I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. I was experiencing fatigue, anxiety, depression, inability to handle stress, trouble sleeping and inability to lose weight. Western medical doctors did not acknowledge the existence of my symptoms and I decided to go to a doctor specializing in eastern medicine and acupuncture. Though I had been to another acupuncturist before seeing Dr. Lund, I felt he didn't listen to my other complaints and sort of rushed me in and out. I have never felt that way with Dr. Lund. The first time I spoke to her on the phone, she spent considerable time talking to me, and I could tell she was really hearing what I was saying, and validated that my symptoms were in fact real. Since I have been seeing Dr. Lund, my digestion, mood, fatigue, aches, pain and overall well-being have been much better. I started losing weight, sleeping better, and I haven't been so stressed out. I look forward to our weekly sessions and she never rushes me. I am so grateful to have found her and I feel that I am finally on a path to recovery. I would recommend Dr. Lund to anyone who can't seem to find the answers to their problem.
-B.Lewis, age 33, Sherman Oaks
My experience with Dr. Lund has been very helpful to my well-being and my mobility. I used to have daily hip pain that limited my walking and trouble with my balance, but now the hip pain is all gone and my balance has improved. I can walk without pain now. It's been a great pleasure and I am very fond of Dr. Lund
-Charlotte Rockey, age 87, Sherman Oaks
Dr. Lund very diligently reviewed all detailed health history of both of my children (ages 5 & 10). She explained all the reasons for their medical problems and offered an excellent care plan, fitting it into the lifestyle that we are used to.
-Elana, mother of 5 & 10-year-olds, Encino
Dr. Lund has made a huge change in my daily life. I had been suffering from migraines for over a year and after seeing Dr. Lund only a few times I had significantly fewer headaches. Her recommendations about diet have been helpful as well. Seeing Dr. Lund has improved my quality of life-I am headache free and feel great!
Dr. Lund has transformed the way I approach my physical therapy. I feel lucky to have her unique guidance. She is simply awesome.
-Peter, age 39, Studio City
OMG! I am able to hike and cycle for hours without back pain! When I started seeing Dr. Lund, I could hardly walk or sit without pain.
I suffered from severe daily migraine headaches prior to seeing Dr. Lund. After a couple of months of physical therapy & acupuncture treatments, I rarely get these headaches. Thank you Dr. Lund!!
I came to Dr. Lund seeking relief to my severe neck pain. I had endured relentless neck pain and insomnia for six years during which time I was under the care of numerous physicians of various specialties. I was submitted to conventional treatment and was prescribed the common narcotics, anti-inflammatories and analgesic creams, and doctors just kept increasing the doses when I told them I was not getting any pain relief. I underwent four cervical epidural injections to no avail, and I was also referred to physical therapy at various clinics. I must say that at these clinics, after a quick first visit evaluation, someone with robot-like behavior took over the treatment and not once during twelve visits did she remember my name. Every time I presented for treatment, I was usually ordered into a large room with countless other people receiving the exact same treatment, consisting of an icepack, tens unit and a timer that would ring after 10 minutes letting me know the session was over. After a few months of this type of treatment, my unyielding pain had affected my entire body and I had numbness and restricted mobility in my upper and lower extremities, I was not getting any rest, I could no longer work, and my quality of life was depleted. In the interim, my doctors ruthlessly inflicted little hope and a feeling of old age in me through their misguided and hurried prognoses.
As I was in desperate need for help, I did my own research on alternative medicine and it it in that way that I found Dr. Lund. When I first presented to Dr. Lund, I knew immediately that her establishment was different. At first, I was surprised that I did not sit in the waiting room. She was punctual to my appointment and she called me by my name. Dr. Lund performed a comprehensive evaluation as she carefully listened to me. She was kind and compassionate and she implemented an individual treatment plan involving multiple techniques including acupuncture and cupping and I received this treatment in the most serene and clean environment which contributed to an unexpected fast and positive response. Shortly thereafter, I experienced decreased numbness and nerve pain, I regained mobility in my arms, and I was able to sleep because my pain was now manageable and soon after, I STOPPED TAKING PAIN MEDICATIONS. After a few more weeks, my progress was astounding. I was able to go back to work full-time and I was no longer in an altered mood. On a scale of 1-10, my pain was 8-9 when I first came under the care of Dr. Lund.
At this point, I have no scale to measure my improvement, and neither can I measure my gratitude for her contribution to my health improvement and I can honestly say that she is a true healer. I had never experienced so much effort and dedication in a health practitioner, and that is considering that I have been to more than a few in my lifetime. Dr. Lund is knowledgeable, patient and kind, and through her compassion, she has restored my belief that there are a few good doctors left in this health care system. I am grateful for the day I found her, and to anyone who is in the same situation I once was, consider yourself on your way to recovery if you come under her care.
-Joanny A.